Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
next >
Text File
554 lines
Copyright 1994 George Hug
This is a text file which you may edit. The configuration program EZQCFG will
look for certain headers, such as ":MACROS", which indicate the beginning
or end of specific configuration sections. Anything outside those sections,
such as this paragraph, will be ignored, as will any line inside those
sections which begins with a semicolon.
Syntax error messages are normally printed to the screen but may be sent to
a file or your printer by including >PRN or >[filename] redirection in
EZQCFG.COM's command line. Where applicable, the error message will include
the line number of the offending line to help you locate it more easily.
If you change the configuration frequently, it may be helpful to use a
condensed version of this file - one with all the explanations removed.
You may also put the sections in a different order if you prefer.
This file contains the following sections:
* Miscellaneous Settings Colors, margins, etc.
* Signature Define your signature
* Keynames Keyname reference list
* Function/Keyname Assignments Assign keynames to functions
* Macros Define macros
* Bottom Line Prompts Define prompt lines
* Help Screens Define help screens
Miscellaneous Settings
;Command-line file will be loaded into <Q>uote Mode or <E>dit Mode.
Bootmode Q
;Colors for main text display (normal) and for marked block (inverse).
; Bkgnd color can be 0 - 7.
; Char color can be 0 - 15.
; 0=black 1=blue 2=green 3=cyan 4=red 5=purple 6=brown 7=white
; 8=gray 9=BLUE 10=GREEN 11=CYAN 12=RED 13=PURPLE 14=YELLOW 15=WHITE
Normalbkgnd 7
Normalchar 1
Inversebkgnd 1
Inversechar 14
;Snow removal for CGA displays ON or OFF.
Snowremove off
;Right margin for WonderWrap.
;Default right margin for Edit Mode word wrap.
Wondermarg 66
Editmarg 68
;Tab stop spacing. Max is 16.
Tabstop 8
;Auto-XFER to Edit Mode on boot if Bootmode = Q. Begin on this line. 0 = none.
Autostart 0
;Auto-XFER this many consecutive lines if autostart > 0.
Autolines 0
;Intelligent quoting ON or OFF.
Intelquote on
;Save Edit Mode soft-formatted sections in <H>ard or <S>oft format.
Savemode H
;Mouse sensitivity, horizontal and vertical:
; First = # mickeys to make first cursor move along an axis.
; Next = # mickeys to make additional moves along same axis.
HFirst 16
HNext 12
VFirst 32
VNext 24
;Filename used by EZQuote to save itself when shelling to DOS.
;Use standard [drive:][\path\]name.ext format, with .ext = .000
Tempfile ezqtemp.000
Your signature block will be copied verbatim into your message. Tabs will
not be expanded.
Bullwinkle J. Moose
The following are all of the keynames which the configuration program will
recognize. They are shown for reference purposes only - you cannot change
them. A keyname which is not listed below does not exist. Ten-key keypad
names are k1, k2, etc. Key45 refers to the extra key between the left Shift
and Z keys on the 102-key keyboard. The name "startkey" is a phantom
keyname which can be assigned to invoke a startup macro.
# = Shift ^ = Control @ = Alt
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
^a ^b ^c ^d ^e ^f ^g ^h ^i ^j ^k ^l ^m ^n ^o ^p ^q ^r ^s ^t ^u ^v ^w ^x ^y ^z
@a @b @c @d @e @f @g @h @i @j @k @l @m @n @o @p @q @r @s @t @u @v @w @x @y @z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ` - = \ [ ] ; ' , . /
^2 ^6 ^- ^\ ^[ ^]
@1 @2 @3 @4 @5 @6 @7 @8 @9 @0 @- @=
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | { } : " < > ?
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
#f1 #f2 #f3 #f4 #f5 #f6 #f7 #f8 #f9 #f10
^f1 ^f2 ^f3 ^f4 ^f5 ^f6 ^f7 ^f8 ^f9 ^f10
@f1 @f2 @f3 @f4 @f5 @f6 @f7 @f8 @f9 @f10
esc up down left right insert delete home end pageup pagedown backspace
^left ^right ^home ^end ^pageup ^pagedown ^backspace
k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 k8 k9 k0 k. k+ k- k* key45 startkey
enter tab space
^enter #tab
Function/Keyname Assignments
After each function name shown in the left column below, enter at least one
space or tab, then the keyname assigned to that function. If the assignment
is a WordStar-type two-keyname combination, the first and second keynames
should be separated by one space.
A function can have multiple keyname assignments, each of which must be on its
own line. Here's an example:
Load @f7
Load ^k r
Load ^k ^r
Functions need not be entered in any particular order.
;Function Keyname
;-------- -------
;Cursor keys, etc.
Up up
Down down
Left left
Right right
Pageup pageup
Pagedown pagedown
Wordleft ^left
Wordright ^right
Delchar delete
Backspace backspace
Inserttog insert
Begline home
Endline end
Begfile ^pageup
Endfile ^pagedown
Scrnleft ^[
Scrnright ^]
;Common Mode Functions
Modetog esc
Abort f1
Wonderwrap f3
Marktog f4
Cut f5
Paste f6
Exit f7
Deleol f8
Delline f9
Undel f10
Save @f1
Quote @f2
Undowrap @f3
Dcmd @f4
Delblock @f5
Dir @f6
Load @f7
Reload @f8
Search @f9
Help @f10
;Edit Mode only
ReformatE f2
SoftfmtE ^f2
RightmargE ^f3
SignatureE ^f6
;Quote Mode only
TransferQ f2
Macros are defined in this section. Each macro definition begins with a
line in the following form:
macrodef <mode> <name> <key>
<mode> controls whether the macro is to be invoked from Edit Mode, Quote Mode,
or both modes. The entry should be "E", "Q", or "B". (Note however
that macros, once invoked, may go back and forth between modes.)
<name> is the name you assign to this macro. It should begin with a capital
letter and contain no spaces.
<key> is the keyname which will invoke this macro. The format is the same as
used above in Function/Keyname Assignments. If <key> is "startkey",
the macro will be executed automatically when EZQuote boots.
The second and subsequent lines of the definition specify the keystroke
sequence which the macro will invoke. You may include in the sequence any
combination of literals, function names, other macro names, and keynames.
Literal strings should be enclosed in single or double quotes. Function names
and macro names should begin with a capital letter. Each literal string
and each name should be followed by at least one space, or end a line.
Here's an example of a macro definition:
macrodef Q Getimport ^f3
Load home home "import.txt" enter
This example defines the macro "Getimport" which would be invoked by hitting
Ctrl-F3 while in Quote Mode. It Loads the file IMPORT.TXT.
Notice that when a macro calls a function requiring entry of a filename or
search text, you should include the "home" key before the new string so that
any previous entry will be erased. Otherwise you will append the new entry
to the old. For the Load command, "home" must be entered twice - the extra
one answers the "load more" option if the previous Load was oversized.
Macros invoking Save may routinely include an <A>ppend or <O>verwrite
selection after filename entry. The selection will be ignored if the file
does not already exist. See the Spell macro below for an example.
Subject to overall memory constraints, there is no limit to the
number of macros you may define, or the length of any one macro.
Macros may call other macros so long as they are not embedded more than ten
levels deep. But if such a call is the last item in a macro's sequence, that
call is treated as a simple jump rather than an embedded call. So a macro
which ends by calling itself will generally run forever rather than fill up
the 10-level macro stack. Such a loop can be useful if it includes the Search
function, which will abort the current macro if no match is found.
Three of the normal EZQuote functions are toggles. Because a macro can't
determine the current state of those toggles, three pre-defined phantom
functions are provided for use in macros to set the toggles to a definite
state. From there you can toggle to the other state if you need to.
Phantom function Related normal function
/Quotemode Modetog
/Inserton Inserttog
/Markon Marktog
The /Markon phantom function sets the Mark anchor to the current cursor
position even if Mark was already toggled on.
There is also a phantom keyname "startkey" which is used to invoke a startup
macro. If a macro is invoked by "startkey", that macro will be executed
automatically when EZQuote boots.
Default Macros:
^f1 Spell Shell to spellchecker "ss" with contents of current window
in the temp file "ezqspell", reload new contents of
ezqspell upon return.
^f4 Dos Shell to Dos, type 'EXIT' to return.
^f5 Delend Deletes from the cursor to the end of text (no undo).
^f8 Expandtabs Converts all of the tab characters after the cursor to the
correct number of spaces.
^f9 Searchagain Finds the next match for a previously-entered Search string.
^f10 Printblock Print the marked block. (You may need to change this macro
if your printer requires a driver.)
You may add to or delete these macros or modify them as you wish.
macrodef B Spell ^f1
Begfile /Markon Endfile Save home "ezqspell" enter "o"
Dcmd home "ss ezqspell" enter
Begfile Delend Load home home "ezqspell" enter
macrodef B Dos ^f4
Dcmd home enter
macrodef B Delend ^f5
/Markon Endfile Delblock
macrodef B Expandtabs ^f8
/Inserton Left Search home tab enter Delchar tab Expandtabs
macrodef B Searchagain ^f9
Search enter
macrodef B Printblock ^f10
Save home "prn" enter "o"
Bottom Line Prompts
If you change the default function/keyname assignments, or define macros,
you may also want to change the bottom line prompts. Each mode has its own
set of prompts, with each set having four versions - for Normal, Shift,
Control and Alt.
Below each prompt line is its corresponding format line. A prompt character
which has a corresponding non-space format character will be displayed by
EZQuote with inverse attributes - the same as used for a marked block of text.
----------------- Max length is 68 characters ----------------------
1Abort 2Refmt 3Wrap 4Mark 5Cut 6Paste 7Exit 8Del EOL 9Del L 10Undel
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
1Spell 2Soft 3Rmarg 4Dos 5DelE 6Sign 7 8ExpTabs 9Srch> 10PrtB
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
1Save 2Quote 3UnWrp 4Dcmd 5DelB 6Dir 7Load 8Reload 9Search 10Help
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
1Abort 2Xfer 3Wrap 4Mark 5Cut 6Paste 7Exit 8Del EOL 9Del L 10Undel
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
1Spell 2 3 4Dos 5DelE 6 7 8ExpTabs 9Srch> 10PrtB
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
1Save 2Quote 3UnWrp 4Dcmd 5DelB 6Dir 7Load 8Reload 9Search 10Help
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Help Screens
You can change these as you like. EZQuote will display each of the Help
screens just as a text file would be displayed, but will recognize only
selected cursor movements: Up, Down, Pageup, Pagedown, Begfile, Endfile.
Hitting any other key will abort the Help display.
Edit Mode Functions:
<Esc> Go to Quote Mode.
F1 ABORT without saving. Alt F1 SAVE marked block to disk.
F2 *REFMT Reformat to end of par. Alt F2 QUOTE Add " > " to marked block.
F3 WRAP WonderWrap marked block. Alt F3 UNWRP Undo last WRAP or QUOTE.
F4 MARK mode toggle. Alt F4 DCMD Shell to Dos, do command.
F5 CUT and save marked block. Alt F5 DELB Delete marked block. No undo.
F6 PASTE cut block at cursor. Alt F6 DIR Show directory, LOAD file.
F7 EXIT after saving to file. Alt F7 LOAD file from disk.
F8 DEL EOL Delete to End-Of-Line Alt F8 RELOAD original file.
F9 DEL L Delete Line at cursor. Alt F9 SEARCH for string.
F10 UNDEL Undelete Line or EOL. Alt F10 HELP This HELP screen.
Ctl F2 *SOFT Convert block to softCRs.
Ctl F3 *RMARG Change right margin.
Ctl F6 *SIGN Insert signature at cursor.
* Edit Mode only
Macros available in Edit Mode:
Ctl F1 SPELL Shell to spell checker.
Ctl F4 DOS Shell to Dos. 'EXIT' to return.
Ctl F5 DELE Delete to end. No undo.
Ctl F8 EXPTABS Expand tabs.
Ctl F9 SRCH> Search again for string.
Ctl F10 PRTB Print marked block.
Left mouse button, both Modes:
press and hold down left button to Mark block.
to unmark block, hold down left, click right
Right mouse button:
Quote Mode -
click once to Wrap block, again to Xfer.
if no marked block, go to Edit Mode.
Edit Mode -
Cut block (Bootmode = Q)
Wrap block (Bootmode = E)
if no marked block, go to Quote Mode.
Quote Mode Functions:
<Esc> Go to Edit Mode.
F1 ABORT without saving. Alt F1 SAVE marked block to disk.
F2 *XFER marked block to EMode. Alt F2 QUOTE Add " > " to marked block.
F3 WRAP WonderWrap marked block. Alt F3 UNWRP Undo last WRAP or QUOTE.
F4 MARK mode toggle. Alt F4 DCMD Shell to Dos, do command.
F5 CUT and save marked block. Alt F5 DELB Delete marked block. No undo.
F6 PASTE cut block at cursor. Alt F6 DIR Show directory, LOAD file.
F7 EXIT after saving to file. Alt F7 LOAD file from disk.
F8 DEL EOL Delete to End-Of-Line Alt F8 RELOAD original file.
F9 DEL L Delete Line at cursor. Alt F9 SEARCH for string.
F10 UNDEL Undelete Line or EOL. Alt F10 HELP This HELP screen.
* Quote Mode only.
Macros available in Quote Mode:
Ctl F1 SPELL Shell to spell checker.
Ctl F4 DOS Shell to Dos. 'EXIT' to return.
Ctl F5 DELE Delete to end. No undo.
Ctl F8 EXPTABS Expand tabs.
Ctl F9 SRCH> Search again for string.
Ctl F10 PRTB Print marked block.
Left mouse button, both Modes:
press and hold down left button to Mark block.
to unmark block, hold down left, click right
Right mouse button:
Quote Mode -
click once to Wrap block, again to Xfer.
if no marked block, go to Edit Mode.
Edit Mode -
Cut block (Bootmode = Q)
Wrap block (Bootmode = E)
if no marked block, go to Quote Mode.